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354 entries.
Ton Kolster Ton Kolster from Julianadorp wrote on October 29, 2018 at 4:50 pm:
Great Gig at "de Boerderij" Zoetermeer on saturday 27 october. Many thanks for keeping the Genesis dream alive. Hope to see you next year again. Grt Ton
Popey Popey from Liverpool wrote on November 5, 2017 at 8:15 pm:
Well guys we have seen you in many guises over the years but have to say that the show at 02 the other week was the best yet. Gone are the days of the crashing laptops it seems 🙂 I had reservations as Invisible Touch is not my favourite era but you put on a blinder. The music the technical excellence the lighting and the individual performances blew us away. Excellent work fellas. Can't wait for your next show.
Klaus Klaus from Bottrop wrote on October 13, 2017 at 7:44 pm:
Hi folks, what a great show it was! I've seen you at Lünen Heinz-Hilpert-Theater on October 3rd and I enjoyed every single moment of it! I loved how you spiced the great medley with Apocalypse in 9/8 and the goosebumps I had whilst the dream sequence of Domino. Simply fantastic! I was only sorry when the theatre personnel told us that we must not stay at the foyer so that we didn't have a chance for a talk (and a drink) like all the other times. Nice venue, but Velbert last year was much better though. I'm looking forward to see you again next year. Best regards, Klaus
Norbert Norbert from Stuttgart wrote on October 9, 2017 at 8:35 am:
Hello Brian. Yesterday i have seen your show . It was one of the best concert for me and my brother. You play my favorite song from Genesis, the brazilian. It was so emotional and great for me. Thank you for an perfect evening. I hope,we see us next year.
Rosie Rosie from Bristol wrote on September 19, 2017 at 1:44 pm:
I am gutted that it looks likely I'll miss your tour this year! Will do all I can to come to Liverpool show, but it's not looking promising at the moment. Really wish you well though, I know you'll all have a blast and the audience are in for a real treat. Knock 'em dead Rock God xx
Chris Heinzel Chris Heinzel from Binningen / Basel wrote on May 1, 2017 at 9:00 am:
Dear Crawlers Wow, you will be back in Pratteln (CH) at Z7 this Year! Can't wait to see and hear your new Invisble Touch Tour! So all the best wishes in the mean time to you all and see you in October at Z7! Regards, Chris
Chris Heinzel Chris Heinzel from Basel, Switzerland wrote on February 4, 2017 at 7:38 pm:
Dear Crawlers I missed you 2016 at Z7 in Pratteln, CH. So I very hope you will return to Switzerland in 2017 to play the Invisible Touch-Tour. Hope to see you again and best wishes in the mean time! Chris
Sylvie Jolicoeur Sylvie Jolicoeur from Quebec city wrote on January 29, 2017 at 12:17 am:
Hello ! We are from Quebec city Canada and we hop et see you in a tour in 2017 ! We have a big Summer festival in July and will enjoy to see you there !
Jeff Jeff from Columbus Ohio USA wrote on January 28, 2017 at 10:48 pm:
You must bring the tour to the U.S. in 2017!
Michiel Michiel from Hoofddorp wrote on December 8, 2016 at 6:27 pm:
Some them 25-11-2016 in Hoofddorp. Despite some technical problems it was fantastic!
Pieter Pieter from Siebengewald wrote on December 5, 2016 at 11:53 am:
Yesterday I was at the Pul in Uden, where I saw a great show of this nice band! playing for almost three hours with a grand final "I know what I like". Hope to see you somewhere in 2017
Chris Chris from Aschaffenburg wrote on November 30, 2016 at 4:51 pm:
Hi guys, I saw you and celebrated with you yesterday (29.11.) in Colossaal in Aschaffeburg. Minor acustic problems, Great show, great song selection. The best I´ve seen from you so far. Looking forward to next year! Thank you so much! Chris
Mischa Kessler Mischa Kessler from Frankfurt wrote on November 30, 2016 at 3:24 pm:
Hi folks we saw you yesterday at Colos-saal in Aschaffenburg and enjoyed a few schlappeseppel in front of the stage. we sang and danced and had so much fun. thank you so much for that awesome show, your spirit and passion and the way you made us all feel so good your fan and friend Mischa
Dave Wood Dave Wood from manchester wrote on November 13, 2016 at 7:36 am:
Saw Genesis on every tour since 1976.Seen many tribute bands since.You are light years ahead of the rest.
Bri Crawler Bri Crawler from Liverpool wrote on October 19, 2016 at 4:55 pm:
Hi Andy, Yes we will be performing a lot more shows with this tour in 2017, dates announced soon 🙂
Andy Gowers Andy Gowers from High Wycombe wrote on October 18, 2016 at 8:03 pm:
Hi, any chance you guys can play some gigs down south? Cheers
Gary McCarthy Gary McCarthy from St.Albans wrote on October 14, 2016 at 9:46 am:
Any future plans for touring down South ?
Ilan Rabà Ilan Rabà from Bangkok wrote on September 16, 2016 at 1:36 pm:
get emotional listening to you is I wonder if I'm really listening to you or Genesis, because the sound, the voice and the technique and especially the feelinge you communicate to the listener is out of any imagination, really wonderful  ... is not 'a free compliment it is felt strongly, too bad i live in Thailand, a bit away from these wonderful happenings ... but who knows one day .... will come also the time to unleash your hearts to us Asians
JONATHAN WRIGHT JONATHAN WRIGHT from Liverpool wrote on November 7, 2015 at 11:42 pm:
Fantastic gig at 02 Academy Liverpool tonight. Recaptured early Genesis perfectly and rapport with audience was great. Thank you!!!
Harvey Osler Harvey Osler from Piltdown wrote on October 26, 2015 at 3:39 pm:
Just seen the boys at Trading Boundaries, Sheffield Park. What a great night, the Lamb plus a few classics (ran out of time for Supper's Ready, but squeezed in Watcher, Cinema Show, Firth of Fifth and Musical Box!). Awesome - please come back to Sussex again soon!